F451 Summary part 1

So far what we have perused in the book Fahrenheit 451, is about a character named Guy Montag. A fireman who lights fires as opposed to halting them. He consumes book. This book is about a tragic world, individuals right now not so much have a ton of information. They are simply essentially individuals who are addict4ed to innovation and don't think. It is by all accounts that these individuals are not so much cheerful.

Meets a young lady named Clarisse, he discovered her strolling around. She was not the same as the others since she really thought. She isn't care for everybody who really doesn't stop and consider things. Clarisse isn't apprehensive about Montag like every other person would be. Truth be told, she addressed him on whether he was even upbeat. Which really made Montag respond, he doesn't have the foggiest idea whether he is cheerful or not. Clarisse's family really converses with one another dissimilar to different families who grain say a word.

Montag has a spouse named Mildred, she is an individual who just considers herself. She is continually wearing he shells. They rest in various beds, they are hitched yet don't have a great deal of correspondence like a typical relationship would. Their home is loaded with innovation. Mildred overdosed with medicine, yet it appears to happen a great deal in that world in light of the fact that the specialists said it was ordinary. They were not in any case stressed, it enlightens a ton regarding the world they live in. It is by all accounts that individuals living there are despondent.


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